French racism is on the rise according to a new survey, showing more than one in ten French people admitting to being racist, a report says. A poll conducted on Sunday by the BVA institute for two anti-discrimination groups, including Union of French Jewish Students, has revealed prejudicial views of French people towards immigrants including Arabs, Jews, blacks and homosexuals. The poll found that 30 percent of the French believe that Jews have more influence on finance and the media as opposed to other groups. Twenty-eight percent of French people believe Arabs are more inclined to commit crimes than other groups. A similar poll conducted the previous year showed only half that number. Blacks were regarded, by 28 percent of the respondents, as physically more powerful than other groups. "In the past few months we're seen racist speech entering the mainstream," said Dominique Sopo of pressure groupe SOS Racisme, a critic of the abolition of the full-face Islamic veil. "The French capacity for indignation is in decline," said Arielle Schwab, the president of the Union of French Jewish Students. According to INSEE, the French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies, 4.9 million of the French population -- 8 percent -- is foreign-born immigrants that live in France.
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