A music festival held by a white supremacist group went ahead without incident on the Gold Coast at the weekend, police say.
Local police expressed concern prior to the event, which was held at an unannounced location on Saturday.
Officers planned to patrol the area near the festival, but a police spokesperson said there were no incidents reported in relation to the event.
The Queensland chapter of the Southern Cross Hammer Skinheads had distributed flyers for the white pride gathering, Hammered, sponsored by Gold Coast neo-Nazi groups Crew 38 and Blood and Honour.
Advertising did not name the venue, but interested festival-goers were asked to email the organiser, known only as Tattooed Aryan.
The organiser would then give interested parties details of a "meet and greet" gathering at which the festival's exact location would be disclosed, it said.
Tattooed Aryan promoted the event as a week of "sun, surf and racialist music" on the SCHS website.
SCHS claims its goals can be summed up by its mission: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children".
Gold Coast City Council or police could not prevent the event, held on private property, from taking place.
An anti-racism protest was held on Saturday at The Spit on the Gold Coast, in protest of the SCHS festival.
The Gold Coast Bulletin reported a group of about 30 men and women wearing clothing with the slogan 'Blood and Honour' had dined at suburban restaurant Ashmore Steak and Seafood Restaurant on Friday night.
Staff reportedly seated other patrons away from the group, whose clothing bore swastikas.
The German branch of Blood and Honour was banned in Germany 10 years ago for spreading Nazi messages.
At that time, the German government said members of the group had been arrested after a series of attacks on foreigners inspired by music played at concerts organised by the group.
Brisbane times
Who We Are
Our intention is to inform people of racist, homophobic, religious extreme hate speech perpetrators across social networking internet sites. And we also aim to be a focal point for people to access information and resources to report such perpetrators to appropriate web sites, governmental departments and law enforcement agencies around the world.
We will also post relevant news worthy items and information on Human rights issues, racism, extremist individuals and groups and far right political parties from around the world although predominantly Britain.
We will also post relevant news worthy items and information on Human rights issues, racism, extremist individuals and groups and far right political parties from around the world although predominantly Britain.
Monday, 19 April 2010
Leicestershire BNP candidate is former National Front member
A BNP candidate is a former National Front member with a criminal conviction, it has emerged.
Ian Meller, who is standing in North West Leicestershire, was fined £400 for carrying an offensive weapon – a plank of wood – at a gay rights march.
Mr Meller now says he "regrets" the incident, which happened in 2000, and left the National Front shortly afterwards.
But he said he did not view the party as extremist.
Mr Meller said he picked up a roofing lath at the march in Humberstone Gate, Leicester, in self-defence
He said: "There were four people arrested and I was one of them – the rest were members of the Anti-Nazi League.
"The wood was lying in the road – I was there because we were against gay relationships being promoted in schools.
"It was unfortunate, but it was momentary, I wasn't on my own and I regret what happened.
"To be honest, that incident opened my eyes and I left the National Front shortly after that because I could see street demonstrations couldn't get us anywhere."
Mr Meller – who was fined £400 and ordered to pay £55 costs after admitting carrying an offensive weapon, was a member of the National Front from 1995 to 2000.
Its policies include outlawing homosexuality and abortion, alongside the forced repatriation of immigrants.
He said: "I joined the National Front because at the time I had concerns about immigration and jobs.
"The National Front wasn't an extremist party, and if they were, then I certainly wasn't one.
"The BNP and the National Front differ now because we (the BNP) don't want to send anybody back, we want to stop immigration but we don't support compulsory repatriation, it's voluntary."
The Mercury asked Mr Meller about the BNP's policies – which include re-introducing the death penalty and preventing the teaching of gay relationships in schools.
He said: "I'm not here to pass judgement as to who should receive capital punishment, but in my grandfather's day, if there was a murder, you knew there was going to be a hanging.
"In terms of gay people, the BNP's view is what you get up to in your own house, we don't want to know about it at all.
"What we are against is using public money to fund things like gay marches.
"I'm a Christian and my own view is marriage is between a man and a woman and it's for bringing up a family.
"I wouldn't outlaw homosexuality because we are all equal."
"In terms of immigration – my area of Whitwick has seen a lot of 'white flight', where people are moving away from Leicester because they feel they don't have an identity anymore. They don't want to bring a child up where three different languages are spoken in the classroom."
A spokesman for anti-fascist organisation Searchlight said: "If he doesn't regard the National Front as an extremist party, I wouldn't like to bump into representatives of a party he does regard as extreme.
"This is indicative of Nick Griffin's BNP – he aims to promote a non-violent and moderate face to his organisation but the reality is that the BNP is still populated by extreme views."
The Leicester Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Centre in Wellington Street was unavailable for comment.
The BNP is fielding candidates in every seat in Leicestershire and Rutland.
this is leicestershire
Ian Meller, who is standing in North West Leicestershire, was fined £400 for carrying an offensive weapon – a plank of wood – at a gay rights march.
Mr Meller now says he "regrets" the incident, which happened in 2000, and left the National Front shortly afterwards.
But he said he did not view the party as extremist.
Mr Meller said he picked up a roofing lath at the march in Humberstone Gate, Leicester, in self-defence
He said: "There were four people arrested and I was one of them – the rest were members of the Anti-Nazi League.
"The wood was lying in the road – I was there because we were against gay relationships being promoted in schools.
"It was unfortunate, but it was momentary, I wasn't on my own and I regret what happened.
"To be honest, that incident opened my eyes and I left the National Front shortly after that because I could see street demonstrations couldn't get us anywhere."
Mr Meller – who was fined £400 and ordered to pay £55 costs after admitting carrying an offensive weapon, was a member of the National Front from 1995 to 2000.
Its policies include outlawing homosexuality and abortion, alongside the forced repatriation of immigrants.
He said: "I joined the National Front because at the time I had concerns about immigration and jobs.
"The National Front wasn't an extremist party, and if they were, then I certainly wasn't one.
"The BNP and the National Front differ now because we (the BNP) don't want to send anybody back, we want to stop immigration but we don't support compulsory repatriation, it's voluntary."
The Mercury asked Mr Meller about the BNP's policies – which include re-introducing the death penalty and preventing the teaching of gay relationships in schools.
He said: "I'm not here to pass judgement as to who should receive capital punishment, but in my grandfather's day, if there was a murder, you knew there was going to be a hanging.
"In terms of gay people, the BNP's view is what you get up to in your own house, we don't want to know about it at all.
"What we are against is using public money to fund things like gay marches.
"I'm a Christian and my own view is marriage is between a man and a woman and it's for bringing up a family.
"I wouldn't outlaw homosexuality because we are all equal."
"In terms of immigration – my area of Whitwick has seen a lot of 'white flight', where people are moving away from Leicester because they feel they don't have an identity anymore. They don't want to bring a child up where three different languages are spoken in the classroom."
A spokesman for anti-fascist organisation Searchlight said: "If he doesn't regard the National Front as an extremist party, I wouldn't like to bump into representatives of a party he does regard as extreme.
"This is indicative of Nick Griffin's BNP – he aims to promote a non-violent and moderate face to his organisation but the reality is that the BNP is still populated by extreme views."
The Leicester Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Centre in Wellington Street was unavailable for comment.
The BNP is fielding candidates in every seat in Leicestershire and Rutland.
this is leicestershire

Far-Right Suspected in Attack on Ryazan Human Rights Activist
Men screaming racist rhetoric attacked a prominent human rights activist in Ryazan, Russia according to an April 10, 2010 report posted on the opposition web site Kasparov.ru. Pyotr Ivanov, who works for the NGOs "Memorial" and the Ryazan Human Rights School, was assaulted on April 10 by three men who aggressively asked him,
"Are you Russian or not?!"
At least one of the assailants had a shaven head. A passing police patrol scared off the attackers, but so far
police have detained no suspects.
"Are you Russian or not?!"
At least one of the assailants had a shaven head. A passing police patrol scared off the attackers, but so far
police have detained no suspects.
English Democrats launch election campaign in Dartford
The police community liaison officer is wearing the pained expression of a man sent to sort out a domestic dispute.
"We are just concerned for your safety," he keeps saying. "I don't want to get into a political debate."
It's probably a bit too late for that.
On Saturday thousands of Sikhs took to the streets of Gravesend, in Kent, to celebrate Vaisakhi, the Sikh New Year Festival.
It is also the day that the English Democrat party have chosen to launch their general election campaign a few miles away in Dartford.
After they have finished handing out leaflets in Dartford town centre, the English Democrats plan to head over to Gravesend in their battle bus - a white van with large Cross of St George posters on either side and a PA system belting out Jerusalem.
The police are concerned this might be seen as a bit provocative.
"There are 15,000 Sikhs travelling through Gravesend today," says the young liaison officer, who in his black bomber jacket could easily be mistaken for one of the English Democrat activists.
"People might see the flag of St George and get the wrong idea."
"We've got Sikh candidates," says Steve Uncles, the English Democrats' national coordinator, who has taken on the role of peace maker.
Would the SNP or Plaid Cymru be treated this way?, he asks. He reassures the officer that the party are not racists, it even says so on their battle bus, and they are not looking for trouble, just trying to exercise their democratic right.
Suitably mollified, the officer and his colleague hand Mr Uncles a card and tell him to phone them if they get any trouble.
"We've never had this before. I am quite surprised to be honest," says the party chairman Robin Tilbrook. "What we do get quite regularly is discrimination from officialdom against the use of the E word."
He means English. The English Democrats, who are fielding more than 100 candidates at the general election, believe they are the only party out there speaking up for England.
But they are also very keen to stress that they are a moderate organisation, which draws support from across the political spectrum.
"We are not just about one race. One of the reasons the BNP attack us is that we have non-white candidates. They are not about Englishness," says Robin Tilbrook.
"Englishness is something in the heart, not something in the skin."
The party, which campaigns for an English Parliament, like the ones in Scotland and Wales, gained 280,000 votes at last year's European elections and is fielding more than 100 candidates across England on 6 May.
Opinion polls suggest the majority of people in England support an English Parliament - and the party clearly believes that if it only got a bit more airtime from the broadcasters they would be serious contenders.
It is easy to see why they believe they are on the verge of a breakthrough. Their patriotism and tough line on immigration plays well with voters out shopping in the brilliant spring sunshine in Dartford.
The problem is that, with the British National Party and the UK Independence Party also banging the Eurosceptic drum, it is a crowded field.
"We would prefer it if UKIP were not standing," admits Mr Uncles.
The party has done a deal with the Christian Party and The Jury Team, the umbrella group of independents backed by former Tory grandee Sir Paul Judge, so that they will not stand against each other.
But efforts to reach a similar accommodation with UKIP, which would have seen just one Eurosceptic candidate in every constituency across the UK, came to nothing.
Nevertheless, every candidate at the launch seemed to have little doubt that they will be elected on 6 May.
Dr Peter Thorogood, who is standing in Romford, says Thursday's TV debate has "done us a whole lot of good", as it has got people interested in the election, he tells me, before pointing with pride to the line on his leaflet that says "a man of integrity".
Robin Tilbrook says he hopes the party can gain three MPs.
As he is preparing for a TV interview, he is keen to avoid standing in front of the Union Flags that are fluttering in the breeze on one of the market stalls.
The Cross of St George is the only flag for him.
"This is our flag and it has been hijacked by people who want to turn it into some kind of racist symbol and we want to take it back," he explains.
BBC News
"We are just concerned for your safety," he keeps saying. "I don't want to get into a political debate."
It's probably a bit too late for that.
On Saturday thousands of Sikhs took to the streets of Gravesend, in Kent, to celebrate Vaisakhi, the Sikh New Year Festival.
It is also the day that the English Democrat party have chosen to launch their general election campaign a few miles away in Dartford.
After they have finished handing out leaflets in Dartford town centre, the English Democrats plan to head over to Gravesend in their battle bus - a white van with large Cross of St George posters on either side and a PA system belting out Jerusalem.
The police are concerned this might be seen as a bit provocative.
"There are 15,000 Sikhs travelling through Gravesend today," says the young liaison officer, who in his black bomber jacket could easily be mistaken for one of the English Democrat activists.
"People might see the flag of St George and get the wrong idea."
"We've got Sikh candidates," says Steve Uncles, the English Democrats' national coordinator, who has taken on the role of peace maker.
Would the SNP or Plaid Cymru be treated this way?, he asks. He reassures the officer that the party are not racists, it even says so on their battle bus, and they are not looking for trouble, just trying to exercise their democratic right.
Suitably mollified, the officer and his colleague hand Mr Uncles a card and tell him to phone them if they get any trouble.
"We've never had this before. I am quite surprised to be honest," says the party chairman Robin Tilbrook. "What we do get quite regularly is discrimination from officialdom against the use of the E word."
He means English. The English Democrats, who are fielding more than 100 candidates at the general election, believe they are the only party out there speaking up for England.
But they are also very keen to stress that they are a moderate organisation, which draws support from across the political spectrum.
"We are not just about one race. One of the reasons the BNP attack us is that we have non-white candidates. They are not about Englishness," says Robin Tilbrook.
"Englishness is something in the heart, not something in the skin."
The party, which campaigns for an English Parliament, like the ones in Scotland and Wales, gained 280,000 votes at last year's European elections and is fielding more than 100 candidates across England on 6 May.
Opinion polls suggest the majority of people in England support an English Parliament - and the party clearly believes that if it only got a bit more airtime from the broadcasters they would be serious contenders.
It is easy to see why they believe they are on the verge of a breakthrough. Their patriotism and tough line on immigration plays well with voters out shopping in the brilliant spring sunshine in Dartford.
The problem is that, with the British National Party and the UK Independence Party also banging the Eurosceptic drum, it is a crowded field.
"We would prefer it if UKIP were not standing," admits Mr Uncles.
The party has done a deal with the Christian Party and The Jury Team, the umbrella group of independents backed by former Tory grandee Sir Paul Judge, so that they will not stand against each other.
But efforts to reach a similar accommodation with UKIP, which would have seen just one Eurosceptic candidate in every constituency across the UK, came to nothing.
Nevertheless, every candidate at the launch seemed to have little doubt that they will be elected on 6 May.
Dr Peter Thorogood, who is standing in Romford, says Thursday's TV debate has "done us a whole lot of good", as it has got people interested in the election, he tells me, before pointing with pride to the line on his leaflet that says "a man of integrity".
Robin Tilbrook says he hopes the party can gain three MPs.
As he is preparing for a TV interview, he is keen to avoid standing in front of the Union Flags that are fluttering in the breeze on one of the market stalls.
The Cross of St George is the only flag for him.
"This is our flag and it has been hijacked by people who want to turn it into some kind of racist symbol and we want to take it back," he explains.
BBC News
Immigration is not fuel for BNP support
Higher immigration to an area is not to blame for driving the voters into the arms of the BNP, according to a study exploring the roots of its support published today.
In fact, the analysis by the Institute of Public Policy Research (IPPR) finds that nine out of the top 10 areas for BNP votes actually has a lower than average proportion of recent migrants.
Instead the study which looked at the roots of BNP support across 150 local authority areas suggests that social exclusion, such as lack of qualifications, weak social cohesion and low levels of voter turnout are far more important.
The IPPR researchers say findings show that the idea that politicians need to adopt ever-tougher immigration controls to undermine the BNP is misleading. Instead they need to work harder to build strong communities, strong education systems and rebuild trust in democratic politics so that "marginalised and isolated" people do not feel so disconnected.
The researchers say that the BNP leader, Nick Griffin, argues that in many working-class and lower middle-class areas immigration has brought in so many people that they "totally swamp the existing people …destroying their communities" and leading them to support his party.
"The findings suggest that areas which have higher levels of recent immigration are not more likely to vote for the BNP," says the study. "In fact the more immigration an area has experienced, the lower its support for the far right. It seems that direct contact with migrants dissuades people from supporting the BNP. For example, of the 10 local authorities where the BNP gained most support in the 2009 European elections, nine had lower than average immigration," says the study.
Barking and Dagenham, which has had significantly higher levels of recent migration, is the exception rather than the rule, say the researchers. The study found however that Stoke-on-Trent, Thurrock and Barnsley, which are ranked second, third and fourth in the list of the top 10 BNP share of the vote areas, all have lower than average immigration.
By contrast the three local areas with the lowest levels of social "resilience" in the country, Sandwell, Barking and Dagenham and Stoke-on-Trent, are all found in the top 10 for BNP votes.
The researchers' analysis suggests that the more "resilient" a community is the less likely it is to vote BNP.
They measure social resilience of communities by their ability to withstand and adapt in response to shocks and include indicators such as unemployment, level of skills and qualifications, ability to influence local decisions, crime, health, business survival rate and voter turnout. As examples they name Richmond-upon-Thames and Wokingham as the two most resilient communities in the country.
The IPPR calculates that, based on the 2009 European election results, the top 10 most resilient communities in the UK cast fewer votes for the BNP put together than the average UK local authority.
The study acknowledges that immigration is a matter of concern to the British people and has had some negative effects on parts of the UK but say that where people have had significant direct contact with migrants, most are not concerned enough with immigration to vote for the BNP.
The researchers say the implication of their finding that isolation and dejection rather than immigration is driving voters into the hands of the BNP should give politicians and commentators the confidence to resist the idea that much tougher border controls must be introduced in order to regain public support.
"Mainstream politicians need to work harder to build strong communities and strong education systems, and to rebuild trust and confidence in democratic politics so marginalised and vulnerable people do not feel so disconnected," it concludes. "Doing so should allow them to serve the interests of these communities more effectively, and in the process, undercut support for the BNP."
The Guardian
In fact, the analysis by the Institute of Public Policy Research (IPPR) finds that nine out of the top 10 areas for BNP votes actually has a lower than average proportion of recent migrants.
Instead the study which looked at the roots of BNP support across 150 local authority areas suggests that social exclusion, such as lack of qualifications, weak social cohesion and low levels of voter turnout are far more important.
The IPPR researchers say findings show that the idea that politicians need to adopt ever-tougher immigration controls to undermine the BNP is misleading. Instead they need to work harder to build strong communities, strong education systems and rebuild trust in democratic politics so that "marginalised and isolated" people do not feel so disconnected.
The researchers say that the BNP leader, Nick Griffin, argues that in many working-class and lower middle-class areas immigration has brought in so many people that they "totally swamp the existing people …destroying their communities" and leading them to support his party.
"The findings suggest that areas which have higher levels of recent immigration are not more likely to vote for the BNP," says the study. "In fact the more immigration an area has experienced, the lower its support for the far right. It seems that direct contact with migrants dissuades people from supporting the BNP. For example, of the 10 local authorities where the BNP gained most support in the 2009 European elections, nine had lower than average immigration," says the study.
Barking and Dagenham, which has had significantly higher levels of recent migration, is the exception rather than the rule, say the researchers. The study found however that Stoke-on-Trent, Thurrock and Barnsley, which are ranked second, third and fourth in the list of the top 10 BNP share of the vote areas, all have lower than average immigration.
By contrast the three local areas with the lowest levels of social "resilience" in the country, Sandwell, Barking and Dagenham and Stoke-on-Trent, are all found in the top 10 for BNP votes.
The researchers' analysis suggests that the more "resilient" a community is the less likely it is to vote BNP.
They measure social resilience of communities by their ability to withstand and adapt in response to shocks and include indicators such as unemployment, level of skills and qualifications, ability to influence local decisions, crime, health, business survival rate and voter turnout. As examples they name Richmond-upon-Thames and Wokingham as the two most resilient communities in the country.
The IPPR calculates that, based on the 2009 European election results, the top 10 most resilient communities in the UK cast fewer votes for the BNP put together than the average UK local authority.
The study acknowledges that immigration is a matter of concern to the British people and has had some negative effects on parts of the UK but say that where people have had significant direct contact with migrants, most are not concerned enough with immigration to vote for the BNP.
The researchers say the implication of their finding that isolation and dejection rather than immigration is driving voters into the hands of the BNP should give politicians and commentators the confidence to resist the idea that much tougher border controls must be introduced in order to regain public support.
"Mainstream politicians need to work harder to build strong communities and strong education systems, and to rebuild trust and confidence in democratic politics so marginalised and vulnerable people do not feel so disconnected," it concludes. "Doing so should allow them to serve the interests of these communities more effectively, and in the process, undercut support for the BNP."
The Guardian
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