The British National Party (BNP) are calling for an end to immigration from Muslim nations, saying this presents a "deadly threat" to the UK.
The pledge is contained in the party's election manifesto, launched by party leader Nick Griffin in Stoke.
The BNP also plan to give grants to encourage some UK residents to return to "their lands of ethnic origin".
The BNP recently changed their whites-only membership policy after it was ruled unlawful by the courts.
Their opponents say they are extreme and their policies divisive.
The BNP is targeting Stoke, where they currently have a number of city councillors, and a number of other constituencies as they seek to get their first MP elected to Westminster.
Although they got two MEPs elected to Brussels in last year's European Parliament elections, they received less than 1% of the national vote in the 2005 UK general election.
The BNP are campaigning on a platform of curbing immigration, only allowing new migrants in "exceptional circumstances" and pledging to deport all illegal immigrants.
Mr Griffin said there was only one new commitment on immigration in the manifesto - which would see all citizenship grants approved since 1997 reviewed to see whether they are still "appropriate".
Mr Griffin said the UK was "full-up" and it was time to "close the doors".
The manifesto states "there should be absolutely no further immigration from any Muslim countries, as it presents one of the most deadly threats yet to the survival of our nation".
The party has previously said Islam is incompatible with modern secular democracy.
Mr Griffin said his party would support "decent settled minorities who accept that Britain should remain British".
But Mr Griffin said the manifesto had a "wholly new emphasis" - accusing the media of being "fixated" with immigration - and was focused on rebuilding the economy and employment.
Among other pledges, the BNP wants to leave the European Union, withdraw British troops from Afghanistan and abolish regional development agencies and other quangos.
It calls for restrictions on imports from China to help protect jobs in British manufacturing and avert "economic disaster".
BBC News
Who We Are
Our intention is to inform people of racist, homophobic, religious extreme hate speech perpetrators across social networking internet sites. And we also aim to be a focal point for people to access information and resources to report such perpetrators to appropriate web sites, governmental departments and law enforcement agencies around the world.
We will also post relevant news worthy items and information on Human rights issues, racism, extremist individuals and groups and far right political parties from around the world although predominantly Britain.
We will also post relevant news worthy items and information on Human rights issues, racism, extremist individuals and groups and far right political parties from around the world although predominantly Britain.
Friday, 23 April 2010
BNP council candidate denies assault charges
A BNP council candidate is due to appear in court days before the May 6 local elections charged with attacking two women at East Croydon train station.
Dave Clarke, who hopes to win a seat in the Heathfield ward, is accused of punching and shoving the two women, who were anti-fascist protesters, after spotting them handing out anti-BNP leaflets.
The 41-year-old is also charged with another two counts of assault in relation to the alleged scuffle.
Clarke, of Dunley Drive, New Addington, has pleaded not guilty to the charges, which relate to the alleged incident on May 27 last year.
He will face trial just eight days before the local elections.
Clarke is one of 13 candidates the party is putting forward in the local elections for Croydon and Sutton.
Clarke's agent Charlotte Lewis told the Advertiser he had pushed leaflets out of the protesters' hands but maintains he did not hit anyone.
She said: "Dave completely denies these allegations and, although as a party we have little confidence in the British justice system, he did not assault these people.
"These types of people [the alleged victims] are against the BNP.
"Dave just introduced himself to them and did throw their leaflets into the street but if anything they pushed him.
"He is adamant that he had nothing to do with this.
"The Crown Prosecution Service is politically motivated and I am sure if it was the other way round there would not be a prosecution."
Prospective parliamentary candidate for Wallington and Carshalton at the general election, Miss Lewis hit the headlines two weeks ago when pictures of her dressed in a burkha and fishneck stockings clutching an alcopop emerged.
She explained that Clarke's reluctance to speak to the Advertiser directly was because of his "shy and retiring nature".
Clarke, whose brother John is also running as a council candidate in Fieldway, denied four counts of assault by beating when he appeared at Croydon Magistrates' Court on April 7.
He will face trial next Wednesday.
This is Croydon Today
Dave Clarke, who hopes to win a seat in the Heathfield ward, is accused of punching and shoving the two women, who were anti-fascist protesters, after spotting them handing out anti-BNP leaflets.
The 41-year-old is also charged with another two counts of assault in relation to the alleged scuffle.
Clarke, of Dunley Drive, New Addington, has pleaded not guilty to the charges, which relate to the alleged incident on May 27 last year.
He will face trial just eight days before the local elections.
Clarke is one of 13 candidates the party is putting forward in the local elections for Croydon and Sutton.
Clarke's agent Charlotte Lewis told the Advertiser he had pushed leaflets out of the protesters' hands but maintains he did not hit anyone.
She said: "Dave completely denies these allegations and, although as a party we have little confidence in the British justice system, he did not assault these people.
"These types of people [the alleged victims] are against the BNP.
"Dave just introduced himself to them and did throw their leaflets into the street but if anything they pushed him.
"He is adamant that he had nothing to do with this.
"The Crown Prosecution Service is politically motivated and I am sure if it was the other way round there would not be a prosecution."
Prospective parliamentary candidate for Wallington and Carshalton at the general election, Miss Lewis hit the headlines two weeks ago when pictures of her dressed in a burkha and fishneck stockings clutching an alcopop emerged.
She explained that Clarke's reluctance to speak to the Advertiser directly was because of his "shy and retiring nature".
Clarke, whose brother John is also running as a council candidate in Fieldway, denied four counts of assault by beating when he appeared at Croydon Magistrates' Court on April 7.
He will face trial next Wednesday.
This is Croydon Today
Austria spooked by Nazi past in election
The far-right contender in Austria's presidential election on Sunday has stirred up debate about the country's anti-Nazi legislation, the BBC's Bethany Bell reports.
A brass band in traditional Austrian costume played oompah music in a baroque cobbled square in the town of St Poelten.
A rally for Barbara Rosenkranz, the far-right Austrian Freedom Party (FPOe) candidate for president, was under way.
There was a visible police presence. In the neighbouring square, a counter-demonstration by left-wing protesters was taking place.
Barbara Rosenkranz, a 51-year-old mother of 10, is a controversial figure. She is married to a man who belonged to a banned extreme right-wing party.
And she has criticised parts of Austria's strict anti-Nazi legislation, known as the Verbotsgesetz.
In an interview on Austrian television in 2007 she talked about the Verbotsgesetz, saying "the way lawyers interpret it is wishy-washy, open to abuse and isn't in line with our constitution, which protects freedom of opinion."
No whitewashing of past
Austria was annexed to Nazi Germany in 1938 and was deeply involved in the crimes of the Third Reich. Now it is illegal to deny the Holocaust or to make statements which glorify the Nazi regime.
There is a debate in Austria about whether the anti-Nazi legislation is too strict. But the political analyst Thomas Hofer says Mrs Rosenkranz's motives are questionable.
"There are liberals in Austria who want to do away with those laws because they are obviously going against freedom of speech. But if she comes from a far-right background - and she does come from that background - it is a different story."
Thomas Hofer says Mrs Rosenkranz is trying to appeal to an extreme right-wing minority.
"There are some people in Austria who still think that not everything was bad during the Nazi era, so she tried to secure the small base, in terms of revisionists, for the Freedom Party and thought there wouldn't be a big fuss - but there was."
International image
Mrs Rosenkranz is not expected to win the election on Sunday. Opinion polls say up to 80% of the vote will go to the current president, Heinz Fischer of the Social Democrats (SPOe).
But her nomination as the Freedom Party's presidential candidate has caused outrage among Jewish groups, and politicians from the centre-left and centre-right.
The presidency is a largely ceremonial post but it involves frequent international visits.
Over the past few weeks, Mrs Rosenkranz has denied ever wanting to get rid of the anti-Nazi legislation.
She told Austrian television that she "accepts the law, in the form that it is in".
Many of her supporters at the rally in St Poelten insisted that she does not have extreme right views.
Kathi, a young FPOe worker who said she knew the Rosenkranz family, said Mrs Rosenkranz was "misrepresented by the media".
"She was led into a trap. That's not fair. I think Barbara Rosenkranz is a very good woman."
Maximilian, wearing a bright blue FPOe jacket, said he was a fan. "I think she was misinterpreted. She has ten children and I also have three siblings so I understand her. She is against immigration. She has the right political views."
But many other Austrians disagree. At the counter-demonstration in St Poelten, feelings against her candidacy were running high.
One protester, Martin, said it was "a scandal for Austria" that someone with her background was running for the highest position in the state.
"Austria was part of Nazi Germany and Barbara Rosenkranz is definitely a sign that this country did not learn from its history."
Roman, another protester, said freedom of speech was important, but some lines had to be drawn. "Horrible things happened in that time. If she wants to be president in Austria she shouldn't say such things. Someone like this shouldn't be the representative of our country."
Sensitivities about Austria's past still run deep.
BBC News
A brass band in traditional Austrian costume played oompah music in a baroque cobbled square in the town of St Poelten.
A rally for Barbara Rosenkranz, the far-right Austrian Freedom Party (FPOe) candidate for president, was under way.
There was a visible police presence. In the neighbouring square, a counter-demonstration by left-wing protesters was taking place.
Barbara Rosenkranz, a 51-year-old mother of 10, is a controversial figure. She is married to a man who belonged to a banned extreme right-wing party.
And she has criticised parts of Austria's strict anti-Nazi legislation, known as the Verbotsgesetz.
In an interview on Austrian television in 2007 she talked about the Verbotsgesetz, saying "the way lawyers interpret it is wishy-washy, open to abuse and isn't in line with our constitution, which protects freedom of opinion."
No whitewashing of past
Austria was annexed to Nazi Germany in 1938 and was deeply involved in the crimes of the Third Reich. Now it is illegal to deny the Holocaust or to make statements which glorify the Nazi regime.
There is a debate in Austria about whether the anti-Nazi legislation is too strict. But the political analyst Thomas Hofer says Mrs Rosenkranz's motives are questionable.
"There are liberals in Austria who want to do away with those laws because they are obviously going against freedom of speech. But if she comes from a far-right background - and she does come from that background - it is a different story."
Thomas Hofer says Mrs Rosenkranz is trying to appeal to an extreme right-wing minority.
"There are some people in Austria who still think that not everything was bad during the Nazi era, so she tried to secure the small base, in terms of revisionists, for the Freedom Party and thought there wouldn't be a big fuss - but there was."
International image
Mrs Rosenkranz is not expected to win the election on Sunday. Opinion polls say up to 80% of the vote will go to the current president, Heinz Fischer of the Social Democrats (SPOe).
But her nomination as the Freedom Party's presidential candidate has caused outrage among Jewish groups, and politicians from the centre-left and centre-right.
The presidency is a largely ceremonial post but it involves frequent international visits.
Over the past few weeks, Mrs Rosenkranz has denied ever wanting to get rid of the anti-Nazi legislation.
She told Austrian television that she "accepts the law, in the form that it is in".
Many of her supporters at the rally in St Poelten insisted that she does not have extreme right views.
Kathi, a young FPOe worker who said she knew the Rosenkranz family, said Mrs Rosenkranz was "misrepresented by the media".
"She was led into a trap. That's not fair. I think Barbara Rosenkranz is a very good woman."
Maximilian, wearing a bright blue FPOe jacket, said he was a fan. "I think she was misinterpreted. She has ten children and I also have three siblings so I understand her. She is against immigration. She has the right political views."
But many other Austrians disagree. At the counter-demonstration in St Poelten, feelings against her candidacy were running high.
One protester, Martin, said it was "a scandal for Austria" that someone with her background was running for the highest position in the state.
"Austria was part of Nazi Germany and Barbara Rosenkranz is definitely a sign that this country did not learn from its history."
Roman, another protester, said freedom of speech was important, but some lines had to be drawn. "Horrible things happened in that time. If she wants to be president in Austria she shouldn't say such things. Someone like this shouldn't be the representative of our country."
Sensitivities about Austria's past still run deep.
BBC News
Hustings event in Corsham split over BNP
A Question Time-style evening in Corsham will go ahead after an 11th hour agreement following a dispute over the attendance of a BNP candidate.
The hustings for the Chippenham seat will take place tonight from 7pm at Corsham Community Centre, but the session will be split into two halves because of a row over the attendance of BNP candidate Michael Simpkins.
Conservative candidate Wilfred Emmanuel-Jones and Labour candidate Greg Lovell had both refused to share a stage with Mr Simpkins.
Lib Dem candidate Duncan Hames said he would have to deal with the fact the BNP were there as they had been invited by the event organisers.
Kevin Gaskin, administrator for event organisers Corsham Community Area Network (CCAN), said: “The first half will be for everyone, excluding the BNP. In the second half, the BNP will be invited to take their place on the stage and this means that candidates who want to stay can. I am happy with the outcome because we have an opportunity to hear from all of the candidates.”
The meeting will be led by Corsham Town Council chairman Allan Bosley and organisers are asking for residents to submit questions in advance by email to kevingaskin
It will be followed by a further hustings in Melksham at George Ward School on Sunday. The event, chaired by Brigadier Dougie Rowlinson, sees all candidates invited, but those who wish to decline may do so.
Wiltshire Times
The hustings for the Chippenham seat will take place tonight from 7pm at Corsham Community Centre, but the session will be split into two halves because of a row over the attendance of BNP candidate Michael Simpkins.
Conservative candidate Wilfred Emmanuel-Jones and Labour candidate Greg Lovell had both refused to share a stage with Mr Simpkins.
Lib Dem candidate Duncan Hames said he would have to deal with the fact the BNP were there as they had been invited by the event organisers.
Kevin Gaskin, administrator for event organisers Corsham Community Area Network (CCAN), said: “The first half will be for everyone, excluding the BNP. In the second half, the BNP will be invited to take their place on the stage and this means that candidates who want to stay can. I am happy with the outcome because we have an opportunity to hear from all of the candidates.”
The meeting will be led by Corsham Town Council chairman Allan Bosley and organisers are asking for residents to submit questions in advance by email to kevingaskin
It will be followed by a further hustings in Melksham at George Ward School on Sunday. The event, chaired by Brigadier Dougie Rowlinson, sees all candidates invited, but those who wish to decline may do so.
Wiltshire Times
BNP three use 'troops out' name in three Welsh seats
Three British National Party (BNP) candidates in Wales will not be using the party's name on ballot papers at the general election, it has emerged.
Instead BNP candidates in Swansea East, Swansea West and Gower will appear as "Support Our Troops Bring Them Home".
The BNP said they had not intended just to use that name, but Swansea council said it was the party's decision.
The Electoral Commission said candidates can use a different name under the regulations.
It confirmed the move was legal, as the alternative name is a properly registered description for the BNP.
Voters will be able to tell that the three are official BNP candidates only from the party logo on the ballot paper.
A spokesperson for the commission said: "Our advice to voters is always to scrutinise the ballot paper very carefully."
A BNP spokesperson confirmed all three candidates are standing for the party, and not as a splinter group.
The spokesperson said a Swansea council official misled them when they filled in the candidate forms, which was why he said the three candidates were registered under the "Support Our Troops Bring Them Home" name.
He also said the forms used by the council were more complicated than those used by most other UK local authorities.
In response, the council said: "It was the BNP representative's decision to take [to put Support Our Troops Bring Them Home on the ballot paper] and he was in no way misled by Swansea council."
The council also said nomination papers filled out by the BNP were in a standard form produced for use across the UK.
"There is no material difference between the form used by the BNP and one produced by the Electoral Commission," it added.
BBC News
Instead BNP candidates in Swansea East, Swansea West and Gower will appear as "Support Our Troops Bring Them Home".
The BNP said they had not intended just to use that name, but Swansea council said it was the party's decision.
The Electoral Commission said candidates can use a different name under the regulations.
It confirmed the move was legal, as the alternative name is a properly registered description for the BNP.
Voters will be able to tell that the three are official BNP candidates only from the party logo on the ballot paper.
A spokesperson for the commission said: "Our advice to voters is always to scrutinise the ballot paper very carefully."
A BNP spokesperson confirmed all three candidates are standing for the party, and not as a splinter group.
The spokesperson said a Swansea council official misled them when they filled in the candidate forms, which was why he said the three candidates were registered under the "Support Our Troops Bring Them Home" name.
He also said the forms used by the council were more complicated than those used by most other UK local authorities.
In response, the council said: "It was the BNP representative's decision to take [to put Support Our Troops Bring Them Home on the ballot paper] and he was in no way misled by Swansea council."
The council also said nomination papers filled out by the BNP were in a standard form produced for use across the UK.
"There is no material difference between the form used by the BNP and one produced by the Electoral Commission," it added.
BBC News
Race attack rail passenger from Hertfordshire jailed
A rail passenger has been jailed for five months for racially abusing a ticket inspector in Hertfordshire.
Charles Law, 50, of Stratfield Road, Borehamwood, was found guilty last month of racially-aggravated assault at Elstree and Borehamwood station.
Judge Stephen Warner, at St Albans Crown Court, said Law's behaviour was "unwarranted and unacceptable".
He jailed him for three months and a further two months for being in breach of a previous conditional discharge.
The court that found him guilty of the offence committed at the station on 29 July 2009, heard that Law had stabbed and killed his brother in 2002.
During the trial, Zimbabwe-born Hilton Materke said: "He went into a tirade of abuse at me. He said, 'You are a black man and shouldn't ask a white man for a ticket'."
BBC News
Charles Law, 50, of Stratfield Road, Borehamwood, was found guilty last month of racially-aggravated assault at Elstree and Borehamwood station.
Judge Stephen Warner, at St Albans Crown Court, said Law's behaviour was "unwarranted and unacceptable".
He jailed him for three months and a further two months for being in breach of a previous conditional discharge.
The court that found him guilty of the offence committed at the station on 29 July 2009, heard that Law had stabbed and killed his brother in 2002.
During the trial, Zimbabwe-born Hilton Materke said: "He went into a tirade of abuse at me. He said, 'You are a black man and shouldn't ask a white man for a ticket'."
BBC News
More than 50 religious organisations have lent their support to a pledge which asks UK citizens to use their votes to help fight racism and discrimination in politics. Although the pledge does not specifically name the British National Party as the target, it urges voters to be “aware of the political forces who would seek to divide our country by promoting ideology of racism and prejudice.” The initiative, organised by the Board of Deputies, the Jewish Council for Racial Equality and the Three Faiths Forum, has signed up 56 organisations to the pledge. It states: “We are immensely proud of the fundamentally British characteristics of equality, respect and fairness and of British society’s uncompromising rejection of the demonisation of any group, whether religious, ethnic or otherwise. “We therefore urge every British citizen to use their vote to support any party of their choice which stands opposed to the destructive politics of hatred, to vote for freedom not fear, partnerships not prejudice, and hope not hate. “We are united in our opposition to the politics of hate. “
The pledge has been signed by the United Synagogue, Liberal Judaism, Masorti Synagogues and the Chief Rabbi. It was also backed by Jewish welfare organisations including the CST, the Holocaust Educational Trust and Jewish Care.
The full list of signatories
Aliph Aleph UK, Assembly of Masorti Synagogues, Board of Deputies of British Jews, British ORT, Christian Muslim Forum, Church of England, Churches Together in England, City Circle, City Hindus Network, City Sikhs Network, Coexistence Trust, Community Security Trust, Resource - The Jewish Employment Advice Centre, Faith Matters, Federation of Poles of Great Britain, Federation of Student Islamic Societies, Federation of Synagogues, Friends, Families and Travellers, Hindu Academy, Holocaust Educational Trust, Hope Not Hate, Institute of Jainology, Jain Samaj Europe, JAMI, Jewish Action & Training, Jewish Council for Racial Equality, Jewish Blind and Disabled, Jewish Care, Jewish Community Housing , Jewish Leadership Council, Jewish Lads and Girls Brigade, Joseph Interfaith Foundation, Kick It Out, League of Jewish Women, Leo Baeck College, Liberal Judaism, London Jewish Forum, Maccabi, Methodist Church, Mosques and Imams National Advisory Board, Movement for Reform Judaism, Muslim Council of Britain, Muslim Safety Forum, Office of Chief Rabbi, Operation Black Vote, Sikh Human Rights Group, Sikhs in England, Spanish & Portuguese Jews' Congregation , St Ethelburga’s Centre for Peace & Reconciliation, Three Faiths Forum, UJIA, Union of Jewish Students, United Synagogue, World Jewish Relief, Zoroastrian Trust Funds of Europe
The Jewish Chronicle
The pledge has been signed by the United Synagogue, Liberal Judaism, Masorti Synagogues and the Chief Rabbi. It was also backed by Jewish welfare organisations including the CST, the Holocaust Educational Trust and Jewish Care.
The full list of signatories
Aliph Aleph UK, Assembly of Masorti Synagogues, Board of Deputies of British Jews, British ORT, Christian Muslim Forum, Church of England, Churches Together in England, City Circle, City Hindus Network, City Sikhs Network, Coexistence Trust, Community Security Trust, Resource - The Jewish Employment Advice Centre, Faith Matters, Federation of Poles of Great Britain, Federation of Student Islamic Societies, Federation of Synagogues, Friends, Families and Travellers, Hindu Academy, Holocaust Educational Trust, Hope Not Hate, Institute of Jainology, Jain Samaj Europe, JAMI, Jewish Action & Training, Jewish Council for Racial Equality, Jewish Blind and Disabled, Jewish Care, Jewish Community Housing , Jewish Leadership Council, Jewish Lads and Girls Brigade, Joseph Interfaith Foundation, Kick It Out, League of Jewish Women, Leo Baeck College, Liberal Judaism, London Jewish Forum, Maccabi, Methodist Church, Mosques and Imams National Advisory Board, Movement for Reform Judaism, Muslim Council of Britain, Muslim Safety Forum, Office of Chief Rabbi, Operation Black Vote, Sikh Human Rights Group, Sikhs in England, Spanish & Portuguese Jews' Congregation , St Ethelburga’s Centre for Peace & Reconciliation, Three Faiths Forum, UJIA, Union of Jewish Students, United Synagogue, World Jewish Relief, Zoroastrian Trust Funds of Europe
The Jewish Chronicle
Most Canadians reckon racial segregation -- at least when it comes to non-aboriginals -- is the stuff of sordid American and South African history, far removed from the relatively enlightened experience of this country. After all, this is the land of the Underground Railway and Alberta's storied black cowboy hero John Ware. In fact, although Canada certainly didn't enforce apartheid or fight a civil war over states' rights and slavery, we too have our skeletons of an institutional nature when it comes to historic racial prejudice. Last week, on the advice of Nova Scotia's NDP government, the province's Lieutenant-Governor Mayann Francis, who happens to be black, finally officially apologized for the 1946 arrest and conviction of Viola Desmond. Desmond, a Haligonian by birth, had the temerity to sit in a seat in the whites-only main floor of the Roseland Theatre of New Glasgow. That sent the Halifax beauty school owner to jail, exacted a subsequent fine and spawned repeated failures in overturning the decision by higher courts. Eventually, Desmond settled in Montreal and ended her days at 51 in New York City. Sad to say, a contemporary reenactment of unbridled prejudice and harassment seems to be forcing another Nova Scotia family into self-imposed exile. When a Ku Klux Klan-style cross and noose was burned on the lawn of their Poplar Grove, N.S., home in February amid shouted racial epithets, Shayne Howe and Michelle Lyon were touched by a wave of support from neighbours and other well-wishers throughout the province. Two men who have a great-grandparent in common with Lyon, who is white, have been charged. But then last weekend, the bi-racial couple was shocked when a family car was torched, which has left them contemplating a move elsewhere. Not surprisingly, they have expressed anxiety about bringing their five kids up in such an environment. Although Hanks County has been described by some black Nova Scotians as the "Mississippi of the North," it is also the home turf of Liberal MP Scott Brison, proudly gay and the embodiment of social liberalism. It's unreasonable to paint the area as a particular hotbed of hate. On the other hand, surely these crimes against the good name of the province and region must force a degree of community soul-searching, as it would if the incidents happened in rural Alberta, Quebec or Yukon. The hope is that the perpetrators of these offensive acts will be brought to swift justice, and the decent folk of Nova Scotia will convince their wronged neighbours to make a stand in their home place. The agents of intolerance should never be encouraged -- but then, that's easier proclaimed by those of us who have never felt the sting of violent prejudice, so anathema to the Canadian spirit.
Edmonton Journal
Edmonton Journal

BNP to launch election manifesto (UK)
The British National Party is to launch its General Election manifesto - a week after its leader promised the document would "surprise" voters.
BNP leader Nick Griffin and deputy leader Simon Darby are expected to speak at the event, which is being held at an as-yet undisclosed location in Stoke-on-Trent.
Although the BNP informed Staffordshire Police of the venue for the St George's Day launch, the party declined to reveal the site to the media for security reasons.
A BNP spokesman said the decision not to divulge the venue until shortly before the launch had been taken to preserve the safety of members of the media and others present at the event.
Mr Griffin, who is standing for election in Barking, east London, is among more than 330 BNP candidates contesting the May 6 poll.
Speaking last week, Mr Griffin said of the manifesto launch: "I can promise the public many surprises in the document."
The BNP leader warned earlier this week that Britain would face economic "disaster" unless British jobs were protected from foreign competition.
He said import restrictions should be imposed so that British workers could make goods which would otherwise come flooding in from countries such as China.
A spokesman for Staffordshire Police confirmed that the force had been notified of the launch event.
A small number of local neighbourhood officers would be on duty to facilitate lawful electioneering, the spokesman said.
Bury Times
BNP leader Nick Griffin and deputy leader Simon Darby are expected to speak at the event, which is being held at an as-yet undisclosed location in Stoke-on-Trent.
Although the BNP informed Staffordshire Police of the venue for the St George's Day launch, the party declined to reveal the site to the media for security reasons.
A BNP spokesman said the decision not to divulge the venue until shortly before the launch had been taken to preserve the safety of members of the media and others present at the event.
Mr Griffin, who is standing for election in Barking, east London, is among more than 330 BNP candidates contesting the May 6 poll.
Speaking last week, Mr Griffin said of the manifesto launch: "I can promise the public many surprises in the document."
The BNP leader warned earlier this week that Britain would face economic "disaster" unless British jobs were protected from foreign competition.
He said import restrictions should be imposed so that British workers could make goods which would otherwise come flooding in from countries such as China.
A spokesman for Staffordshire Police confirmed that the force had been notified of the launch event.
A small number of local neighbourhood officers would be on duty to facilitate lawful electioneering, the spokesman said.
Bury Times
BNP stop St Georges Day Celebration
Folk Against Fascism are saying that at Georges Day celebration in Barrack Tavern, Penistone Road, Hillsborough has had to be cancelled.
Due to threats from the BNP.
So much for the BNP claiming they want to celebrate being British.
Folk Against Fascism
Due to threats from the BNP.
So much for the BNP claiming they want to celebrate being British.
Folk Against Fascism
BNP fights back in Marmite row

Unilever said it was "initiating injunction proceedings" after the BNP featured a Marmite jar in an online version of its General Election broadcast without permission.
But the BNP said the logo had been used in retaliation to Marmite adverts featuring the spoof "Hate Party" - which the BNP claims is "clearly based" on them - and it was complaining about Unilever to the police, Electoral Commission, Independent Television Authority and Advertising Standards Authority.
The battle erupted after a preview of the BNP's broadcast on the party's website featured a Marmite jar in the top left-hand corner of the screen whenever party leader Nick Griffin was addressing viewers. It was still publicly available on Thursday morning but was later removed - though it remains on the video-sharing website YouTube.
Unilever issued a statement saying: "It has been brought to our attention that the British National Party has included a Marmite jar in a political broadcast shown currently online.
"We want to make it absolutely clear that Marmite did not give the BNP permission to use a pack shot of our product in their broadcast. Neither Marmite nor any other Unilever brand are aligned to any political party.
"We are currently initiating injunction proceedings against the BNP to remove the Marmite jar from the online broadcast and prevent them from using it in future."
A series of Twitter messages from Mr Griffin, who is an MEP and standing for election in Barking, east London, were posted on the BNP website about the row.
"Unilever PR men and lawyers all over us like a rash," he said. "Very upset at our using Marmite in our TV broadcast. They should have thought of that before modelling the one for their Hate Party on us."
An article later appeared on the BNP website claiming that a "joker" had amended the broadcast to include the Marmite jar. "The official broadcast contains no mention or images of Marmite at all," Mr Griffin said.
The Guardian
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