
Sunday 24 July 2011


Twin bomb and shooting attacks on Norway's government and ruling party left at least 92 people dead and several wounded Friday. Here is a list of attacks in Scandinavian countries since 1999:

- June 28, 1999: Two journalists and their eight-year-old son are wounded when their car explodes in a Stockholm suburb after they had received death threats from neo-Nazi groups. The couple had published a report in Swedish newspaper Expressen about a Milan record company that had released music hailing the "white race". Three days after the attack, two police officers are seriously wounded in a car bomb explosion in Malmoe in the south while conducting a routine inspection of the vehicle.

- Oct 11, 2002: Seven people including the attacker are killed and more than 80 injured in a suicide bombing attack on a shopping mall in Vantaa, north of the Finnish capital Helsinki. The motives of the bomber, 19-year-old chemistry student Petri Gerdt, remain unknown.

- Sept 17, 2006: Automatic gunfire is aimed at the facade of a synagogue in Oslo, without claiming any casualties. Three men are arrested, suspected of also having planned attacks on the US and Israeli embassies in the Norwegian capital.

- Dec 31, 2008: Two Israelis are shot and injured in a shopping centre in Odense in central Denmark. A Palestinian who said he was expressing anger about the ongoing Middle East conflict, is jailed for 10 years in January 2010.

- September 10, 2010: Lors Dukayev, a Belgian of Chechen origin, plans to attack the Jyllands-Posten paper in revenge for its publication of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed, but the device explodes while he prepares it in a Copenhagen hotel. He is jailed for 12 years.

- December 11, 2010: Taymour Abdulwahab, a 29-year-old whose family fled from Iraq to Sweden in 1991, blows himself up in an empty side-street off Stockholm's busiest pedestrian thoroughfare, injuring two people. An Islamist website, Shumukh al-Islam, posts a purported will by Abdulwahab in which he says he is fulfilling a threat by Al-Qaeda in Iraq to attack Sweden for what he terms its war on Islam, notably in Afghanistan.