
Saturday 14 May 2011

Racist mother told children their parents would be 'chop suey' (UK)

A mother who racially abused three schoolchildren telling them she would chop up their parents and cook them in a chop suey has avoided jail.

Michelle Boyce smiled in the dock as an account of her foul-mouthed rant towards the Asian youngsters - one an eight-year-old boy - was read out at Aberdeen Sheriff Court.

And a sheriff ordered the 36-year-old - who made the comments in front of her 11-year-old daughter - to scrub up her parenting skills.

Boyce was sentenced to a year's probation for verbally attacking and threatening the three siblings with violence in Sluie Drive, Dyce, on May 12 last year.

Fiscal depute Alan Thomson said the mother confronted the young boy and his two older sisters and accused them of picking on her daughter.

He said Boyce called the siblings racist names as they walked away from the situation, before shouting: "I'll chop your mum and dad up and put them in my chop suey."

Defence agent Bob Anderson said Boyce claims she only intervened in a quarrel between the youngsters because she saw her daughter being threatened with a stick outside the property.

He said: "There has been no repetition of this and things have calmed down."

But Sheriff Kieran McLernan said the mother was immature and asked her what sort of example he thought her behaviour had given her daughter.

Boyce relied: "None at all."

The sheriff added: "This account of events is like those you would find in a primary school playground in which there are not four but five children involved - you being the fifth.

"You are going to get the opportunity to further learning in how to get out of situations of stress and deal with bringing up your child in a way where she will not get an example of bad behaviour and inappropriate reactions. You require to change."