
Saturday 15 January 2011

Petition accuses Tutu of anti-Semitism (South Africa)

 An online petition has accused Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu of anti-Semitism.

The petition was launched by three people, including a former South African Zionist Federation official.

The petition accused Tutu of being a bigot along with defaming Israel and the Jewish people.

In 2010 the renowned apartheid cleric urged the Cape Town Opera to cancel a trip to Israel.

He also supported another petition which called on one South African university to cut ties with the Ben-Gurion University in Israel.

The South African Zionist Federation’s Bev Goldman said Tutu’s views on the Jewish state are unfortunate.

“What we are concerned about is the fact that Archbishop Tutu tends to blame Israel solely for the issues that are happening in the Middle East,” she said.

Attempts to get comment from Tutu or his office have been unsuccessful.

Eye Witness News