
Thursday 18 February 2010

You Tube White Supremacist Race Hate Video’s Posted By Child

A boy from Norfolk who posted "highly disturbing" white supremacist videos online has been given a two-year conditional discharge.
The boy, 17, who cannot be named for legal reasons, admitted two charges of inciting racial hatred on or before 22 April 2008 at King's Lynn Youth Court.
The boy was 15 when he was arrested for posting videos on YouTube.
The Crown Prosecution Service believes he is the youngest person in England and Wales prosecuted for the offence.

'Hate filled'
The boy also put material on a website he had set up himself, the court heard.
Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) lawyer Viv Goddard said: "This is thought to be the first time the CPS has prosecuted someone as young as this defendant for incitement to racial hatred after posting racially-inflammatory material on a social networking site.
"Young people need to realise that it is not a joke to post hate-filled material on video-sharing websites or sites they set up themselves.
"The material in this case was not just offensive but highly disturbing in its violence and imagery."

'Seeking attention'
Mrs Goddard said it was difficult for the youth to deny responsibility as he had either filmed himself expressing racist opinions or had supplied his own comments as a voice over.
He had insisted that those who wanted to view his site had to agree to statements before they were allowed access, the lawyer said.
These statements included "I do swear and verify that I am of the white race" and "I am not or have never been a follower of the Jewish religion".
The boy also stipulated that viewers "believe in the segregation of the races" and "have never engaged in an inter-racial relationship".
Defence lawyers told the court the youngster had special needs and had been seeking attention.

Incidentlay we at the Stand Up To Hate know that race hate vidoes are a serious issue on You Tube and we fully support the "lets fix You Tube movment"

sign the petition. lets fix you tube