
Wednesday 6 July 2011

US 'hate groups' bolstered by Obama's election

Aryan Nations
Did the election of Barack Obama as US president boost the growth of right-wing and so-called "hate groups"?

A curious thing happens when you walk down the street in Spokane, Washington, first thing in the morning. Complete strangers look you in the eye, and say, with a little smile: "Good morning."

It is that kind of a town; if not close-knit, then, compared to some of the other towns and cities in America, human in scale and friendly to strangers.

Which makes the attempted bombing here of a civil rights march in January all the more difficult to comprehend.

The man alleged to have left a rucksack filled with explosives and shrapnel - covered in rat poison so as to stop blood clotting - is Kevin Harpham, an Army veteran with an interest in neo-Nazi groups.

The difficult truth for Spokane, for Washington State, for neighbouring Idaho and for all of the US, is that hate groups - anti-black, anti-Jew, neo-Nazi - are on the rise again.

And nearly everyone, including members of those groups, agrees that the election of Barack Obama has been a catalyst for the increase in support.

"I wouldn't say it surprises me," says Spokane's mayor Mary Verner, "though it is alarming to me".

"We are seeing a resurgence in hate groups because we are seeing democratic activity and empowered citizens who are not Anglo-Saxon Protestants."

There was the same sort of reaction from the local sheriff, Ozzie Knezovich, when he heard that a bomb had been left beside the route of the Martin Luther King Jr Day march.

"Surprised? No," he says. "We live in a different world now - hate seems to be a widespread phenomenon right now."

'Explosion' of groups
And there are ordinary citizens - and their children - who are at the receiving end of hate group activity in Washington and Idaho.

Rachel Dolezal, who teaches art and African-American studies, has been repeatedly harassed since word got out about what she taught.

Her homes - she has moved several times - have been broken into. Nooses have been left for her, and a swastika was left on the door of her workplace.

And she has acted to protect her son.

"I actually bought him a pair of earphones for the bus," she says, "because he hears the word 'nigger' every day.

"It seems things were kind of hush and sanitised and cleaned up, or something, and then Barack Obama just brought things to the surface that were already existent within people."

Hate groups and other groups on the far right - so-called Patriot groups which vow to resist the encroachments of the Federal government, and anti-immigrant nativist groups - are tracked by the Southern Poverty Law Centre (SPLC).

"In the fall (autumn) of 2008," says the director of the SPLC's Intelligence Project, Mark Potok, "we started to see an explosion in hate groups, but more generally in right-wing groups of general types."

Rise in requestsIf Mark Potok wanted confirmation of his research, he could find it just across the border from Spokane, in the city of Coeur d'Alene, northern Idaho.

Sitting on his porch as the day fades into night is Jerald O'Brien, flanked by the flags of the Aryan Nations group and the Church of Jesus Christ-Christian.

Aryan Nations is a wildly anti-Jewish white separatist group. The faded plastic children's toys on the lawn seem more than a little incongruous.

Mr O'Brien insists he does not condone or encourage any acts of violence. He calls Jews "the children of Satan".

He accuses Barack Obama of being Jewish - he is not - and of not being a US citizen - he is. But he has cause to thank the president.

"The day after Barack Obama's election," he says, "my phone would not stop ringing. It was up to four or five a day asking for education and information."

Some will dismiss men such as Jerald O'Brien, and groups such as Aryan Nations, as "wackos" and "nut-jobs".

But Mark Potok is concerned.

"I think we are in a very similar period as we were in the run-up to the Oklahoma City bombing," he says, "as far as a bombing or an attack like that, whether that will come, we don't know.

"We are very close in numbers to the numbers we had at the very peak of the militia movement."

The trial of Kevin Harpham, accused of attempting to the bomb the Martin Luther King Jr Day march in Spokane, begins in August.

BBC News

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(Netherlands, opinion) * LEGALISING RACISM? (Netherlands, opinion) * TWO STANDARDS FOR HATE SPEECH (editorial, the Toronto Star) * GEERT WILDERS AND DUTCH DEMOCRACY (Netherlands) * BELITTLING ISLAM IN THE DUTCH WILDERNESS – ONLY A POLITICIAN’S JOB (Netherlands) * WILDERS FOUND NOT GUILTY OF INCITING HATRED, BUT IS 'ON THE EDGE' (Netherlands) * VERDICT SET FOR DUTCH ANTI-ISLAM LAWMAKER * DUTCH ANTI-ISLAM LAWMAKER WILDERS FACES JUDGEMENT Headlines 24 June, 2011 * AMNESTY SLATES ROMANIA OVER ROMA HOUSING * GOVERNMENT'S GESTURES TO FAR-RIGHT ALLY POISON DANISH ATMOSPHERE (Denmark) * FREE SPEECH -TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLY- (Denmark) * TURKEY IGNORING ANTI-LGBT DISCRIMINATION SAYS AMNESTY * 'SEX ASSAULT' POLITICIAN BLAMES FAR-RIGHT PLOT (France) * BULGARIA SENTENCED IN STRASBOURG FOR DISCRIMINATING AGAINST 2 RUSSIANS * HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL IN THESSALONIKI, GREECE, DESECRATED * HITLER 'STILL HONORARY CITIZEN IN HIS HOMETOWN' (Austria) * NEVER AGAIN GIVEN UEFA-BACKED AWARD (Poland) * PRIEST KNOWN FOR EXTREME VIEWS INVITED TO EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT BY MEPs (Poland) * WOMEN PLAYING BIGGER ROLE AMONG FAR-RIGHT EXTREMISTS (Germany) * GERMANY'S LEFT PARTY FACES CHARGES OF ANTI-SEMITISM * ERRC URGES END TO POLICE PROFILING OF EU ROMA IN DENMARK * FESTIVAL TO COMBAT DISCRIMINATION TOWARD ROMA BOTTLE COLLECTORS (Denmark) * CZECH NEO-NAZIS POST GUERRILLA ‘HARDBASS’ DANCE ATTACKS ON YOUTUBE * OSCE HUMAN RIGHTS CHIEF CALLS FOR END SEGREGATION & DISCRIMINATION ROMA CHILDREN IN CZECH SCHOOLS * MASKED NEO-NAZIS MARCH BY TORCHLIGHT AS A PROVOCATION IN CZECH TOWN OF KRUPKA * HUNDREDS ATTEND COMMEMORATIVE CEREMONY FOR LEŽÁKY (Czech Rep.) * POLICE 'FAIL' DISABLED PEOPLE SUFFERING HATE CRIME (uk) * EDL THUG ABUSED OLD MEN (uk) * MINISTER: SHORTER PARENTAL LEAVE FOR IMMIGRANTS (Sweden) * RUSSIA 2018 PLEDGES TO FIGHT RACISM AFTER BANANA THROWN AT ROBERTO CARLOS * NEW ANTI-NAZI COALITION (Russia) * ST PETERSBURG BANS SLAVIC GAY PRIDE PARADE BUT OKs ANTI- GAY RALLY (Russia) * ACTIVIST NIKOLAI ALEKSEYEV SUGGESTS RUSSIANS NOT INTERESTED IN GAY RIGHTS (Russia) * AUSTRIAN HOMOSEXUALS ARRESTED IN HUNGARY * GAY PRIDE RALLIES HELD ACROSS BALKANS * CROATIAN CAPITAL GEARS UP FOR GAY PRIDE PARADE AFTER EARLIER VIOLENCE * BULGARIA'S SOFIA PRIDE GAY PARADE GOES SMOOTHLY, ONLY 'FAMILY NGO' PROTESTS * BULGARIA'S 4TH SOFIA PRIDE GAY PARADE GUARDED BY HUNDREDS OF POLICEMEN * EU AGREES TO REFORM INTERNAL BORDER RULES * EU SUMMIT ENDORSES LIMITED TIGHTENING OF SCHENGEN SYSTEM * COUNCIL OF EUROPE LAUNCHES PROBE INTO MIGRANT DROWNINGS Headlines 17 June, 2011 * LEADERSHIP NEEDED ON RIGHTS (Italy) * POLICE ATTACKS THE OFFICE OF THE INSTITUTE FOR PEACE AND DEMOCRACY (Azerbaijan) * MIGRANTS TO FEND FOR THEMSELVES (Netherlands) * DUTCH GROUP TO BURN HILL'S BOOK OF NEGROES (Netherlands) * DUTCH JEWS, MUSLIMS APPEAL RITUAL SLAUGHTER PLAN * YOUTH PARTY FIGHTS FOR THE RIGHTS OF WHITES (Denmark) * HACKERS EXPOSE NEO-NAZI PARTY SUPPORTERS (Germany) * RIGHT EXTREMISTS SQUABBLE OVER A CROSSWORD PUZZLE (Germany) * NEO-NAZI LEADER GETS SUSPENDED SENTENCE FOR ASSAULTING POLICE (Hungary) * THE EXTEND AND THE LIMITS OF XENOPHOBIA IN FRANCE (opinion) * FRENCH PARLIAMENT REJECTS SAME-SEX MARRIAGE BILL * 2 RUSSIAN NEO-NAZI LEADERS SENTENCED TO LIFE IN PRISON FOR KILLINGS OF NON-RUSSIANS * FAR-RIGHT COULD PUSH SWEDEN INTO CRISIS * PARENTAL LEAVE 'TRAPS' IMMIGRANTS AT HOME (Sweden) * SWEDISH KIDS INVITED TO NEO-NAZI SUMMER CAMP (Sweden) * OPINION POLL POINTS TO DISCRIMINATION IN MONTENEGRO * JOBS ADS ARE OFTEN DISCRIMINATORY, OMBUDSMAN SAYS (Czech Rep.) * CZECH CONSTITUTIONAL COURT SAYS EXTENSION OF CUSTODY FOR NEO-NAZI LEADER VIOLATED HER RIGHTS (Czech Rep.) * CATHOLIC PRIESTS PROTEST AGAINST ULTRA-RIGHT PARTY IN KRNOV (Czech Rep.) * TURKEY FEELS RACIAL TENSIONS AS FLOOD OF SYRIAN REFUGEES GOES ON * SOCIAL MEDIA'S INFLUENCE ON ‘HATE CRIME' (Turkey) * MUSLIMS SAY BULGARIA PLAGUED WITH ISLAMOPHOBIA, VOW TO DEFEND THEMSELVES (Bulgaria) * SOFIA MOSQUE WARDEN ASSAULTED, BEATEN - CHIEF MUFTI (Bulgaria) * POLICE PROBE FAR-RIGHT LINKS TO 'POISON PACKAGES' AT MOSQUES (uk) * UK LIBERAL MUSLIMS LAUNCHED JIHAD AGAINST VIOLENCE * SCHOOL'S REFUSAL TO LET BOY WEAR CORNROW BRAIDS IS RULED RACIAL DISCRIMINATION (uk) * TOUGHER LAWS FOR FOOTBALL HATE CRIMES (uk) * RELIGIOUS HATE CRIME SOARS (uk) * ‘CAGED’ EDL LEADER VOWS TO RETURN TO DEWSBURY IN THOUSANDS (uk) * MUSLIMS CALL FOR ACTION AGAINST HATE CRIMES (uk) * PRIDE'S SUCCESSFUL MARCH (Slovakia) * EURO 2012 FRONTLINE IN BATTLE WITH RACISM (Poland/Ukraine) * WARSAW CONFERENCE TO LAUNCH FARE EURO 2012 ACTIVITIES (Poland) * RACISM STILL RIPE IN THE MEDIA (Poland, editorial NPE) * ITALY AGAINST THE JEWS * ANTI-GAY PROTESTERS CHARGED AFTER SPLIT PARADE VIOLENCE (Croatia) * VIOLENCE MARS CROATIAN GAY PRIDE PARADE * TURKEY PM WARNS OF DUTCH RADICALISM (Netherlands) * POPE WANTS GYPSIES INTEGRATED INTO SOCIETY * HOW TO AVOID A MULTICULTURAL CHERNOBYL? (opinion) * EU AGENCY FOR FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS (FRA) LAUNCHES ITS ANNUAL REPORT (press release) * UN GROUP BACKS GAY RIGHTS FOR THE 1ST TIME EVER * STRUCTURAL DISCRIMINATION, A COMMON THREAD BETWEEN THE ROMA AND THE VICTIMS OF CASTE SYSTEMS Headlines 8 July, 2011 ETHNIC DISCRIMINATION NATIONWIDE PROBLEM - MEDVEDEV (Russia) 5/7/2011- Ethnic discrimination is a problem facing not only certain Russian regions, but the entire country, President Dmitry Medvedev said on Tuesday. "We have problems with this," the president said, speaking during a Human Rights Council meeting in Nalchik, the capital of the North Caucasus republic of Kabardino-Balkaria.“I mean the situation in general, not just in a certain republic or a certain territory, in the Caucasus or in central Moscow." Harmonizing inter-ethnic relations within the country is a complicated task, but it should be addressed, he said, adding that developing national media should be a major goal for local governments. "We are trying to deal with it now in order for every ethnic group to have its own media, internet resources, as well as other opportunities that every people should have," Medvedev said. He also stressed the importance of providing "equal access to municipal service positions" for representatives of different ethnic groups. Promoting negative historical stereotypes that show certain ethnic groups in a bad light is "absolutely unacceptable, dangerous and may create horrible problems," the president added. The Russian capital saw its worst race-related riots for almost a decade in December last year, when a 5,000-strong crowd of nationalists and football hooligans clashed with police near the Kremlin walls. The rioters were protesting police negligence over the killing of a 28-year-old Muscovite football fan in a brawl with migrants from Russia's North Caucasus region earlier in the year. Smaller race-hate disturbances took place afterwards in Moscow and other Russian cities. Medvedev called the disorder a threat to the "stability" of the Russian state and has urged police to clamp down on nationalists. The president also proposed banning those charged with extremism from taking up state positions. © RIA Novosti up BULGARIA'S SUPREME COURT UPHOLDS GAY RIGHTS, RULES AGAINST HOMOPHOBIA 4/7/2011- Bulgaria's Supreme Administrative Court has rejected an appeal by the head of the Municipal Council in the city of Pazardzhik over a gay rights case, confirming it was a case of discrimination based on sexual orientation. The gay rights scandal in the southern city of Pazardzhik erupted in the spring and summer of 2010 when Stefan Yanev, a local prosecutor, defended a municipal ordinance of the Pazardzhik Municipality that banned the displays of sexuality in public, which was clearly directed at gays. This led Bulgarian gay rights youth NGO "LGBT in Action" to appeal to the Supreme Judicial Council in order to receive an apology from the notorious prosecutor involved in anti-gay policies. Gay rights activists appealed the ordinance to the local Prosecutor's Office; this resulted in Yanev issuing a position in which he upheld the notorious regulation, and even went as far as publishing his own musings on human sexuality ridiculed by the media as a "treatise" - in which hee compared homosexuality, bisexuality, and heterosexuality with pedophilia, zoophilia, gerontophilia, necrophilia, and fetishism, as he considers all of those forms of sexual orientation. Subsequently, the problematic ordinance was repealed by the Supreme Administrative Prosecutor's Office in Sofia. Monday's ruling by the Bulgarian Supreme Administrative Court is based on an appeal by the Chair of the City Council in Pazardzhik Georgi Yordanov, which asked for the repeal of a ruling of the Commission for Protection from Discrimination. The Commission ruled in May 2010 against the municipal ordinance of the Pazardzhik Municipality that banned the displays of sexuality in public, which stirred the scandal in the first place. According to the Bulgarian Supreme Administrative Court, however, the Pazardzhik City Council has committed direct discrimination based on sexual orientation against the residents and visitors of the city who are not heterosexual. "The specific ordinance studied by the Commission contains discriminatory attitude against the sexual orientation of persons who are not heterosexual. It is inadmissible that the ordinance of the local authority would defend the negative, subjective perception that has formed with its members," the three judges from the SAC ruled. The scandal with the anti-gay initiatives in Pazardzhik grew in the fall of 2010 when the Bulgarian Orthodox Bishop of Plovdiv Nikolay, known for his radical views, presented Yanev and Pazardzhik Mayor Todor Popov with the highest order of the Plovdiv Bishopric styling them "defenders of Christian values," and calling homosexuality "travesty" and "debauchery" among other similar terms. The LGBT in Action NGO backed by another NGO, Free Internet Society, have declared that their appeal to the Supreme Judicial Council for an apology from Prosecutor Yanev was in response to the fact that he accepted the medal handed to him by Bishop Nikolay. The gay rights activists defined this act "not just as a violation of fundamental human rights but also as blatant lack of knowledge about the Bulgarian legislation." Monday's ruling of the Bulgarian Supreme Administrative Court, the highest-ranking institution that can issue a legally-binding ruling in Bulgaria, is now believed to have settled the legal side of the case in Pazardzhik, ruling agianst discrimination based on sexual orientation. © Novinite up 'NEWS CHANNELS BIASED AGAINST ISLAM' CLAIMS SURVEY (uk)

An independent poll carried out by Consumer PI has claimed that the vast majority of British Muslims perceive the three mainstream TV news channels (BBC, ITV and Sky) to be biased against their religion when reporting current affairs. The TV channels’ reporting of terror cases, news pieces on Iraq and Afghanistan and coverage of the ‘Arab Spring’ uprisings have been cited as examples of anti-Muslim bias. Furthermore, British Muslims believe that other topical issues such as the Israeli raid on the flotilla, it’s continued occupation of, and raids into, Palestinian territories, the dropping of terror cases by the police as well as positive stories about Islam generally are either not given enough prominence or simply not covered.

The poll also found that British Muslims were offended by some of the terminology used in news reports.

Terms such as ‘jihadist’ or ‘moderate Muslims’ are often used in the wrong context or in a generalised manner, indicating there was a severe lack of understanding of Muslim communities on the part of news reporters.

Many believe this type of reporting does play some part in fanning the flames of extremism. Shakir Ahmed, Director of Passion Islam Media said: “The reporting by the mainstream TV news channels of stories concerning Muslims is at times unbalanced, ill-informed and sensationalist. I would expect this type of coverage in the tabloid press, not from respected news organisations at the BBC, ITV or Sky. However, this is not entirely surprising since these three news channels employ very few reporters who follow the Islamic faith and who would truly understand the Muslim communities and their culture and practices.

Worryingly, the perception by some British Muslims of an unjust Islamophobic mainstream media may well fuel radicalism.”

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