
Thursday 15 July 2010

Racist New Hampshire man, Ryan J. Murdough, uses hate to get elected to State House seat

A New Hampshire man is hoping racist hatred will help get him elected to state office.

Ryan J. Murdough, a 30-year-old who says he works with children with special needs at a youth center, is running for a seat on the State House in New Hampshire's 8th District.

And he's doing it as a Republican.

The self-professed "racist" is also supported by the American Third Position, a hate-spewing organization designed to "represent the political interests of White Americans, because no one else will."
"For far too long white Americans have been told that diversity is something beneficial to their existence," Murdough wrote in a letter to the Concord Monitor.

"New Hampshire residents must seek to preserve their racial identity if we want future generations to have to possibility to live in such a great state," he wrote.

The Republican party in New Hampshire has made all efforts to distance itself from Murdough.
"Mr. Murdough is a despicable racist," party spokesman Ryan Williams told the Union Leader. "His racist views are abhorrent and he is not welcome in the New Hampshire Republican Party."

Murdough has said he picked the GOP not because he considered himself a party member, but simply because it was the easiest way to get onto the ballot. It costs only a few dollars, while filing as an independent would require 150 signatures.

American Third Position, or A3P, has begun a fund-raising effort to finance Murdough's political endeavor, and the father of two has been an outspoken supporter of the group.

The A3P is run by several unapologetic racists, including Kevin B. MacDonald, a professor whose theories range from claiming Jewish people are genetically designed for greed, and African Americans and Hispanics are intellectually inferior to whites.

Another leader, Dr. Tom Sunic, has written essays critical of liberals and defends Nazi ideals.

James Edwards, another "director" of A3P, hosts a "pro-white" radio show which boasts it aims to "revive the White birthrate" and promotes "cultural conservative" ideals, which according to his website include hatred for feminism, homosexuality and the government.

The A3P claims it has already raised $1,340 in its goal to hit $2,500 by July 17 for Murdough's campaign.

The wanna-be state representative has said very little about what he hopes to accomplish as a politican, but has been very open about what he thinks.
"I don't want to force out all non-Whites," he wrote as a commentor on the Concord Monitor's website. "The American Third Position simply would offer immigrants a financial contribution IF they wanted to leave."

In another posting, Murdough wrote: "I think it makes perfect sense to pull over Hispanics in order to deport illegals. On the southern border the illegals are not light skinned Dutchmen. They are dark skinned hispanics, so why should we not target the people most likely to be an illegal immigrant?"

"Did you realize that the United States was intended to be a homeland for White/European people?" he wrote in May.
Other professed "pro-white" wanna-be candidates have used hate to try and get elected to state and federal offices. A Missouri man in March has used racist radio ads to run for the United States Senate, while a former Grand Dragon of the Klu Klux Klan in Indiana posted hateful ads to run for the House of Representatives.

NY Daily News

BNP paedophile jailed

A paedophile who helped organise British National Party attacks on HOPE not hate leafleters has been sent to prison. Described as “every parent’s worst nightmare”, Darren Francis, 37, pleaded guilty to having a sexual relationship with an underage girl after becoming infatuated with the troubled teenager.

John Lloyd-Jones, prosecuting at Northampton Crown Court, said she was aged 13 at the time the relationship started, when Francis was in his mid-thirties, therefore 20 years older.

He said: “He had known her since she was 11 so was well aware of her age. She was something of a troubled soul and her parents were finding it very difficult to control her.

“In late 2007, she began absconding and would go to his flat where there was a supply of a drink and drugs, mainly cannabis, although she mentioned there was also cocaine. The defendant would take them as well in the company of these teenagers.

“He made a concerted effort to come between her and her parents and he simply became what we would say is every parents’ worst nightmare.

“In effect, from the age of 13 she fell under his spell, going round to his flat on a virtual daily basis and often she would not come home and, if she did, she was under the influence of drink and drugs.

“In summer 2009, she came to her senses and ended matters but he could not cope with the rejection and began harassing her.”

The girl, who cannot be named, revealed how she had consented to sex with Francis, although she was legally unable to do so as she was under 16.

Judge Charles Wide QC jailed him for four years and three months on two counts of sexual activity with a child and for assaulting her after the relationship ended. He said: “This is not a case of typical exploitation of a young girl as it seems there was some genuine affection from the girl concerned, although it was a wildly, wildly inappropriate relationship.”

Although the BNP denies that Francis was a party member, local antifascists recall how Francis would organise other BNP activists to attack and harass antifascists in Northampton.

Anjona Roy, who coordinates HOPE not hate activities in the town, told Searchlight, “This guy was responsible for harassing HOPE not hate activists, local councillors and a local MP and generally threatened and intimidated people, myself included.

“I’m not surprised that the BNP are denying he was their member, but everyone knows he was one of their number and one of their most regular activists.”

Francis was previously jailed in 2005 for repeated harassment of the former Labour MP for Northampton North, Sally Keeble. He has also served prison sentences for assault, burglary, affray and robbery.

Hope Not Hate


Following the “Kick a Ginger Day” violence targeting redheads at a Calabasas middle school last November  and the subsequent unease it inspired, “Kill a Jew Day” Facebook events have been popping up on the social networking site in rapid succession over the past month despite efforts to counteract the threats and hateful sentiments. While the majority of these pages have been deactivated by Facebook within 24 hours of their creation, their repeated appearance and the ease with which users can post such events calls into question the distinction between free speech and hate speech, as well as Facebook’s response to the content. According to Facebook representative Simon Axten, the site is “highly self-regulating, and users can and do report content that they find questionable or offensive.” Although Axten would not comment on the specifics of any of the pages, many of these events were deactivated only after counter-campaigns urged users to report the events to the Facebook administration. Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities requires users to “not bully, intimidate or harass any user” and “not post content that is hateful, threatening or pornographic; incites violence; or contains nudity or graphic or gratuitous violence.” These “Kill a Jew Day” events have featured directives such as “you must kill at least one Jew” or “you know the drill, guys.” Nearly all have used swastikas as their avatars.

“They’re horrible and disgusting,” said Lila Mendelsohn, 16, of the events. After seeing one while browsing Facebook last week, the Los Angeles resident, a rising senior at Hamilton High School and n’siah — president — of her local B’nai B’rith Youth Organization (BBYO) chapter, reported the event to the Facebook administration but decided more needed to be done. With help from fellow BBYO member Elise Jackson, 17, Mendelsohn created an event titled “One Million Strong Against Kill a Jew Day.” Both girls invited all their Facebook friends to take action against the event and posted a link so that others could report it to Facebook. Within hours, hundreds of Facebook users had clicked that they were “attending” the “One Million Strong” event. By the next morning, the “Kill a Jew Day” event had been deactivated. In contrast, “One Million Strong” currently has over 10,000 listed as “confirmed guests.” Although Mendelsohn and Jackson acknowledge that they have already succeeded at their original goal, they believe that the sentiment behind their event still holds value. “Even though one has been taken down, many more pages and groups have been made,” Mendelsohn said. The “One Million Strong” event is just one of a number of Internet campaigns urging the removal of anti-Semitic content from the Internet or Facebook.

For the past two years, the Jewish Internet Defense Force (JIDF), a pro-Israel advocacy organization that cites a network of over 250,000 supporters, has worked to expose and remove anti-Semitic material online. “Our approach has always been to expose the material, get our network to report it, and call out the companies like Facebook and YouTube for their negligence in dealing with these issues effectively,” wrote JIDF founder David Appletree in an e-mail. The JIDF Web site features “Action Alerts” for various “Kill a Jew Day” events on Facebook and urges visitors to the page to report any existing events as well. Appletree believes that Facebook has failed to take a forceful enough approach toward these matters. “Their ‘enforcement’ of their own rules is inconsistent,” Appletree wrote. “Sometimes, they seem to react quickly; other times, they don’t react at all.” According to Axten, Facebook has a large team of professional investigators who review and respond “as quickly as possible” to reports from the over 400 million people who use Facebook. “The team prioritizes reports for the most serious violations, including those for nudity, pornography and harassment, which are typically handled within 24 hours.” Additionally, Axten said, Facebook disables the accounts of people who “routinely violate our policies.” Appletree believes Facebook should take a more proactive approach and immediately remove offensive material, instead of waiting for reports from users.

Other Facebook events that have sprung up include “Thrill a Jew Day,” as well as the group “We Are Disgusted by the Facebook Event ‘Kill a Jew Day.’ ” Although both the “One Million Strong Against Kill a Jew Day” event and the JIDF urge nonviolent action, other events list suggestions such as “kill a neo-Nazi” or “drown a Flotilla.” Jackson and Mendelsohn have discouraged users from posting counter-threats on their event. “We don’t want people to respond with threats of violence,” Jackson said. “It’s just as bad.” July appears to have marked an increase in Facebook events encouraging anti-Semitic violence. However, as early as last November, Haaretz reported a “Kick a Jew Day” event at a middle school in Naples, Fla., which resulted in the suspension of 10 students who had taken part in the event. “When people aren’t standing up for their rights or what they believe in, it only makes the other people stronger and allows them to step all over them,” Jackson said.

Jewish Journal

Butler threatens legal action over BNP election rules

Eddy Butler, who is challenging Nick Griffin for the British National Party leadership, has threatened legal action over Griffin’s unconstitutional election regulations announced earlier today.

Pointing out that Griffin does not have the power to change the section of the party constitution that governs elections to the chairmanship, he writes on his blog: “Today the current Chairman has seen fit to make up a whole raft of new rules. Some are not harmful, but some are a deliberate and blatant attempt to frustrate the democratic process within the Party. He is already a loser – a bad loser who is trying to save his skin by changing the rules.”
Maintaining his blog is itself one of the actions a leadership challenger is forbidden under the made-up rules but not under the party constitution.

Butler believes that a “spoiler” candidate will be put forward to ensure that no one can obtain the required signatures of 20% of the 4,200 people who have two years’ continuous membership of the party.

Pledging to ignore the new rules, Butler adds: “Mr Griffin is intent on steering his campaign on a deliberate collision course.

“If he attempts to frustrate the democratic process as laid out under the constitution then he will be legally challenged.”

Supporters have already offered to help Butler fund such legal action, which is likely to deepen the splits in the BNP. Whether the party, believed already to be insolvent, can afford more legal costs to fight a case is uncertain.

Hope Not Hate