
Monday 1 February 2010

The English Defence League are not a violent organisation. And for my next joke…

Recently in the UK the extremist group Islam4UK has been banned by the UK’s government. But hypocritically the UK’s government has not made any moves to ban the extremely controversial racist violent organisation the English Defence League “EDL”.
The EDL is a group that claim they wholly oppose the so called Islamifaction of the UK (their beliefs not ours). Yet every time this peaceful protest groups (ha ha ha, no seriously that’s what they claim) show up violence scenes follow.
Here’s two videos following show this so called peaceful protesting by the EDL and its peaceful protesting.
The first shows the EDL members attacking a police officer and the second shows that the EDL although extremely violent have no sense of balance in the real world in more ways than one.

the EDL attack a policeman

and the EDL acting like violent prats

One in four children sent pornography, says survey

One in four children have sent or been sent inappropriate material including pornography via email, according to a survey. The research also found that one in 20 children, aged between six and 15, had communicated with a stranger via webcam and one in 50 have actually met a stranger they first contacted online.

The report, which surveyed 500 children, found that many children are getting away with behaviour online that they wouldn’t get away with in the real world, largely because of their parents’ lack of understanding and awareness of their internet habits and of safety precautions.
More than six out of 10 children (62 per cent) said they lie to parents about what they have been looking at online and over half (53 per cent) delete the history on their web browser so their parents can’t see what they have been looking at.
The survey, by TalkTalk, the broadband provider, also found that and one in nine (11 per cent) have either bullied someone online or been bullied online themselves.
In December, the Government announced that every primary schoolchild in the country will be taught about the dangers of the internet and how to safely surf online.
The “Click Clever, Click Safe’ campaign comes in response to a report by Prof Tanya Byron, the child psychologist and broadcaster, who was asked by the Government to consider how to protect children online. Prof Tanya Byron, who oversaw the TalkTalk research, said: “It’s crucial that parents educate themselves about what’s going on online and what their kids are doing there.”
the Telegraph